Flying Money Carpet

This immersive environment at SATELLITE GALLERY, NYC, evokes the tragic reality of Gaza in 2024. It features a flying carpet rooted in Arabic fairy tales, crafted from dollars to symbolize American influence. The choice of music, flip-flops, and party decor references the infamous mass murder at the Israeli music festival. American singles, parachutes landing with debit / credit cards, as well as fake blood on the cash highlight the Palestinian and Jewish conflict.

dollar bills, cotton thread, cotton fringe, paper, wood, plastic, foam, spray paint, industrial fan,

35 x 40 x 78 inches

filmed by Vadim Aynbinder


Flying Cacao

Flying Cacao is an interactive kinetic sculpture which works as a moving altar to host Cacao Ceremonies. Participants gathering around the Flying Cacao are encouraged to close their eyes, set their communal and individual intention, and drink the cacao together. Since Cacao is a heart opening sacred medicine, delving deep into the collective heart, Flying Cacao enhances unity on Earth in a playful way.

styrene plastic, paper, cotton, plants, wood, brick industrial fan,

35 x 40 x 78 inches

filmed by Vadim Aynbinder


Flying Cocktail Table

„Flying Cocktail Table” is meant to serve drinks at social events to allow people to enjoy and celebrate life. The sculpture represents a table lavishly decorated with cocktail party supplies, plastic glasses, and celebratory decor. Faux fur is used to create its surface and plastic glasses are used as props for the colorful cocktail glasses. The scattering of the lights by the surface of the disco ball creates a colorful sensation that adds to the surreal sense of the table. At the public event, participants create a circle around the installation. Two industrial fans underneath the table create a strong airflow that lifts the table into the air. In 2022 I hosted a „Flying Cocktail Party” for my friends, which served as the inspiration for this project.

styrene plastic, plastic, paper, faux fur, faux hay, mirror, industrial fan, 31 x 53 x 86 inches

filmed by Vadim Aynbinder


Flying Dining Table

Gathering around meals is an essential part of social life for people. At the events open to the public, eight chairs are placed around „Flying Dining Table” where the public can take their seat, creating a circle out of the participants. Instead of having a static relationship between the viewers and the artwork, the active interaction with the kinetic object is an integral part of the artwork. The project “Flying Dining Table” blends art and social practices. The questions that gave birth to this work was „What kind of fun project brings people together?” and „How is this project catalyzing synergy of the participants?” I consider the quality of the artistic product and its social impact equally important. I believe the participants feel more connected through the shared common experience, when this occurs my project is considered successful.

styrene plastic, cotton, plastic, paper, pancake, jam, pudding, mirror, fruit, industrial fan, 31 x 43,5 x 78 inches

filmed by Vadim Aynbinder


Flying Burning Carpet

In March of 2022, I created ‘Flying Burning Carpet’ made out of aluminum trays that carries 80 burning candles reflecting on the occupation of Ukraine and all countries that are recently bombed destroying many lives.


cotton, aluminum, wax, spray paint, industrial fan, 31 x 53 x 86 inches

filmed by John Alberico


Flying Syringe Carpet

Vast amount of medicine has to be distributed across the Globe. I created ‘Flying Syringe Carpet 2021’, a prototype of a communal vehicle that provides transportation of the vaccines. I aim to create an environment in the gallery space where the public can experience the uncertainly trembling syringes. The carpet is assembled out of aluminum plates which are known from central places at social events serving food and snacks. The trays are decorated with 3 different kinds of gold application; gold spray, gold leaf on top of wax and gold colored aluminum plates. The red tassels on the corners can evoke bird feathers or 3 dimensional projection of the microscopic image of a contemporary virus. The carpet is hovering upside down above two industrial drum fans.

aluminum, syringe, cotton, plastic, wax, gold imitation, spray paint, thread, industrial fan, 32 x 56 x 95 inches

filmed by Vadim Aynbinder


Flying Carpet

In thinking about an object that is relatable to both Eastern and Western cultures, I began considering Flying Carpet, also an object that expresses my fantasy about flying. The yearning for a flying carpet is an ancient human desire, they appear in ancient Jewish texts, the Arabian tale One Thousand and One Nights, and even in Disney’s Aladdin. The carpet hovers, held aloft by two drum fans. Eight vacuum-formed and spraypainted sculptures of shoes sit on top of the carpet, feet facing forward. The Flying Carpet is a prototype of a communal vehicle that provides public transportation across cultures.

cotton blanket, vacuum formed styrene plastic, spray paint, 43,5 x 33 x 78 inches

filmed by Elis Xhafa.

Vishakha Animations